There will be some changes happening on this website over the next few months. 



Madame Gertrude Bodenwieser (1890 - 1959) strongly influenced the development of modern dance in Australia.


Near the end of 2023, I had the notion that learning more about digital drawing and painting would be interesting and fun. At the beginning of 2024 I began and have the intention of attempting various subjects and styles throughout the year.



 The dance landscape in Australia has been significantly influenced by jazz music and the changes in dance movement vocabulary that happened with the popularity of stage dance. 



The theme for February’s digital illustration practice has been Hearts and Flowers. I learnt how to refine colour palettes, more about texture, and simple ways to draw flowers. I also made an illustration for animation in collaboration with a digital artist as part of the weekly design challenge posted on a website for practicing artists. The poster I made for this month is, Flowers For The Ballet.